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モンテベロ スペシャルバルサミコ

モンテベロ スペシャルバルサミコ




イギリスのロイヤルファミ リーやフランスの三ツ星レストランでも愛用されている逸品。それを証明するかのように『伝統のある優れたこの調味料が、どんな料理をも最高級の一皿へと進化させる』と箱には誇らしげに、そして確信をもって記されています。


For the malt of the stock solution, they use the highest quality one.

It is popular as a dense sweet balsamic with a concentration of 25 years aged made by a special recipe.


Use Montebello as a finishing touch to grilled meat, it will sweetly deepen the taste and make really delicious and crisp dishes.

It is suitable not only for Italian but also Western and Japanese cuisins, i.e. raw ham, cheese, carpaccio and fried chicken or curry for hidden taste.

Fruit or Ice cream are also excellent combination with this balsamic.

It's also loved in the Royal Family of England and French three star restaurants.

As if to prove it, the box proudly and confidently states that "This excellent seasoning with tradition evolves any dish to the finest dish".

  • 保存方法 (Store method)


    Please store at room temperature away from direct sunlight.

  • 産地 (Origin of product)

    イタリア マラネッロ

    Maranello, Italy 

  • 容量 (ml)

    250 ml

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